bye bye, ugly.
This week one of the twins, 5, was mad at the way I had cut his crepes and arranged the berries on top of the cut pieces. A chef in training who is ever working on his English, he pronounced, “I want like this and you do like this! HORRIBLE!”
He then took his plate back to the kitchen where, carefully, he showed me HOW the berries should have been arranged on top of each piece.
“Should be like this NOT BLEHHH,” he derided as he waved his angry little hand in the general direction of the misplaced berry.
It was hard not to laugh at the tirade, but it was at the moment that he picked up a sharp knife to better cut the pieces that I stepped in as parental disciplinarian, telling him he can’t “cut mad” and needed to put down the knife and take a timeout.
In response, he slammed the knife into the wooden counter — point down! — and ran to slam the door on the bathroom / timeout room, screaming, “Ciao ciao FEA!” (aka BYE BYE UGLY).
I howled.
Later, when I told the story to my mother, she responded, “You made crepes?”
The nanny made the crepes. But I froze them.

This week in…
Dumpster Fires
Reading, etc.
Following a Black Friday and Cyber Monday filled with buying lots of shit, I asked on Twitter how to organize your tabs, and got some responses. I have yet to dig into the tools suggested, so their attendant websites are all currently open. In my tabs.
I just got this book: An Indian Among Los Indigenas: A Native Travel Memoir by Ursula Pike. Ask me if my favorite travel genre is travel memoir and I ask you, “Is the Pope Catholic?” Add in “Peace Corps” (and all its attendant complications) and I will do nothing else until the book is finished.
You can now rent the Home Alone house (for one night.)
Introducing The Icelandverse.
Startups, etc.
Are you a startup who needs help preparing for your YC interview? Look no further.
I talked about the lack of women investors in LatAm in this Bloomberg piece. It’s in Spanish, so proceed with caution.
Inevitable, el mundo del Venture Capital (capital de riesgo para financiar empresas en desarrollo) poco a poco ha entrado en mercados emergentes y la realidad es que el PIB de América Latina es la mitad de China, dos veces lo de India y tres veces lo del sureste de Asia, y eso significaba que iba a ser un mercado importante y finalmente ahora está pasando”, comparte con Bloomberg Línea Claire Díaz-Ortiz, fundadora de The Angel Collective, grupo de mujeres líderes en VC que invierten en mujeres fundadoras en cuatro continentes
Congrats to House of Wise & get $10 off your first order here (#ad).
In honor of your 1st bday @house__of__wise, I took a gummy & slept 11.15 hours. It’s a JOY to invest in a startup w a killer product, crazy growth, and -MOST IMPORTANTLY- a founder who’s really, really good at Twitter. In conclusion, go @amandaMgoetz!

There are few things I love more than learning about how tech are startups are changing in far off lands. Here’s why Vilnius, Lithuania is becoming a startup hub. (Shoutout to @kauffmanfellow Rokas Peciulaitis, for a mention.
In conclusion: