the music endures until now!
It’s me. The caffeinated coffee capsules are out at Chez Diaz Ortiz, which is problematic, and the one ear-pod I can’t stop losing is — you guessed it — not on hand. Elon Musk got cold feet, my husband got Covid for the third time, another of my kids had a planned minor surgery that I flipped out during (everything’s fine!), and I’ve had the good, good fortune to read more than my fair share of truly amazing books this month. (See: “Reading, etc.”)
Tomorrow we are taking all the assorted little children who live in this house to California, so please pray for us during the 22 hour journey of maximum shit.
Dumpster Fires
And I thought I loved coupons!
I never watched Glee, which I obviously now regret.

Give this child a freakin’ medal.
At least eight things you didn’t know your iphone could do.
Monkeypox. I can’t even. Also, prepare to get Covid multiple times a year as the new normal. UNSUBSCRIBE.
What it was really like to be a medieval peasant. (And why the internet has become nostalgic for medieval peasant life.)
Edible party offerings. Weed bouquets. Desserts infused with cannabis. Weed weddings for the win!
“I feel like it’s better to be smoking than to be drinking alcohol.”
Flitcraft, a video editor, and Gavin, an auto glass repairman — both of whom live in the Sonoma County community of Cotati — said they knew that cannabis would be a part of their wedding next spring in one form or another no matter what. They were considering edible party offerings and hiring a budtender too.
The 4-7-8 breath you need to calm you the hell down.
BOUNTY OF BOOKS THIS MONTH, Y’ALL! Sea of Tranquility was a 10. I Guess I Haven’t Learned that Yet was another 10 (Hi Shauna!). The Last Confessions of Sylvia P was another 10. GOLD, these books, I TELL YOU.
For close readers, the title of this newsletter comes from a Wikipedia deep dive into an Irish Paraguayan courtesan who once married the dictator of Paraguay. There are a number of books written about her (including the popular News from Paraguay, by the great Lily Tuck) and she may or may not be related to my husband (you would think this would be swifter to discern.)
Some historians believe that Eliza Lynch was responsible for inducing Francisco Solano López to start the Paraguayan War. During her time as First Lady, Eliza Lynch educated Paraguayan society in many European customs and was largely responsible for the introduction of social events and clubs. She is considered a prominent figure of the war for her support of the troops and her willingness to remain with López until the bitter end. She also introduced the protocol dinners with the ambassadors and ordered to composed several songs as London Karape. This music endures until now.
Startups, etc.
If you’re a startup, investor, journalist or anyone tech-adjacent, the most important hour you can spend this week is watching David Sacks and Jeff Fluhr from Craft Ventures present a true Master Class called, “OPERATING DURING A DOWNTURN.” I can’t recommend this one more highly. Watch it thrice!

YC’s message to founders: Plan for the worst. Womp.
Get your burn multiple sorted, startup, you. (More from Craft Ventures. ALL THE KNOWLEDGE! CLICK!)
Harlem Capital did a killer report on Women founders in LatAm. Go Gabby!

Wait, so the markets have definitely changed, right?


In conclusion, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all 100% needed this pooping Flamingo yesterday.

P.S. Are you a heavy reddit user? Do you consume fascinating content re: venture capital, real housewives, LatAm startups, and/or post-colonial literature? If so, send me your best threads!