we got covid and no one sent me chocolate
Hello starlings!
To be honest, the last few weeks have been a blur. I hated it all, but remember nothing. Alas, here I am on the other freakin’ side!
To recap:
I went to the USA for the elections. Like many of you, there were a few days there that I didn’t sleep a wee wink because of all my Twitter notifications. Right when I thought I could sleep again due to general wonderfulness, my husband and kids in Argentina got COVID! So I came home. Things of note: no, we never figured out how they got it; no, we don’t lead a very exposed life (our kids’ schools aren’t open at all, for example); no, we are not even in winter — it’s summer where we are!; yes we use masks; yes, kids get sick (!!).
I’m happy to say that we are now ON THE OTHER SIDE.

Some other things:
It’s crazy, but I started my own bank. The story of a lady and her bank.
A professor in a cool muumuu is hitting back at “Call-Out Culture” with a class at Smith College. Interesting read here.
“I am challenging the call-out culture,” Professor Ross said from her home in Atlanta, where she was lecturing on Zoom to students on a recent evening, in a blue muumuu from Ghana. “I think you can understand how calling out is toxic. It really does alienate people, and makes them fearful of speaking up.”
A former ballerina with Alzheimer’s remembers her choreography to Swan Lake. (Heart.)
I’m so excited to read this new memoir about Nigeria: Looking for Transwonderland. (Thanks, Strong Sense of Place, a podcast I NEVER miss!)
In the memoir Looking for Transwonderland (recommended in our Nigeria podcast), author Noo Saro-Wiwa begins her adventures across Nigeria in Lagos, a city that ‘never failed to deliver buttock-clenching excitement.’ She then takes us with her on a trek throughout her homeland: to the broken-down amusement park of the title, the beautiful mountains, a surreal dog show, and the film sets of Nollywood.
This dude started walking 20,000 steps a day when Covid hit and it changed his life. Here are more general health secrets from people who did healthy stuff in lockdown.
On the repercussions o having long hair: Places you’ll find my hair six months after we break up. (A story. In images. LOLZ.)
The world ahead in 2021? Latin America’s leaders will have lots of headaches. Thanks for the cheery tale, Boz.
The Crown on Netflix has a brand new out and I. must. read. a book about Charles and Diana to tell me ALL THE THINGS. Recommendations? (Oh, here’s a story about Michael J Fox sitting next to Diana at the Back to the Future Premiere!)
I’m migrating my shiznit from Dropbox to Google Drive and by that I mean I’VE DECIDED TO migrate my shiznit and have about 10 tabs open on my computer telling me how to do it that I don’t have the energy to read. Which I think is the best metaphor for the stage of 2020 I am in if I ever had on?
Send chocolate.